As much as we want to believe and want others to believe in the saying “Never judge a book by its cover”, it is seldom true. Your book cover is your chance to create the first impression. A great cover ensures a 2nd look from the readers. It buys time for you to convince the reader to dig into the content of your book. We at Outliers Publishing feel that designing a book cover is more science than art. A good cover design will convey your message and story in just 1 look. A lot of attention to details and research goes in deciding on the artwork, fonts, and color that depicts your story on the cover. Though there are many DIY cover designing software available online for free use, we strongly recommend investing in your cover as that will define the success of your brand. You can choose to be a part of the designing process and provide your inputs to breathe your essence in your book cover.

Your Book Deserves a Great Cover
Get in touch with our designers and tell them your story. They will convert it into a cover for you.